I'm embarrassed.
It's already January 9, 2012 and I have yet to update my blog regarding my fabulous 2011 Christmas and New Years Eve celebration. Whoops.
But here ya have it:
Daniel and I flew to Utah on December 18th. Note: being pregnant makes airplane rides even more uncomfortable than they already are. I couldn't sleep at all. Grandpa Baird picked us up, took us to the Village Inn for a quick bite to eat and a quick visit, and then we went to my parents house.
The "homecoming" celebration was... casual haha. My parents hired a professional to hang their Christmas lights so that was fun to see and once inside the house, the few people who were upstairs gave me hugs, my mother ran straight to my belly (it was the first time she had seen me pregnant and showing haha), and everybody else was watching a movie. I interrupted it to say hello and we all visited. However, the two stars that I really wanted to see.... Claire and Abigail.... were already in bed :-(
The next few days were filled with lots of Christmas shopping, playing with nieces and nephews, and random outings. One thing I don't miss about Utah... smog. Daniel and I didn't see the sun or the mountains for the first three days we were there! Gross.
Activities Accomplished (not in any order):
Temple Square- Daniel, me, James, Rinda, Jesse, Jani and Jesse's little sister, Liz, made a late night trek to SLC to see the Temple Square lights. It was fun. I made everybody take lots of pictures and I'm glad I did. My camera isn't the best, but some of them turned out really nice! Because it was so cold, the trip turned into a brisk walk, a few stops at the different nativity scenes, and then a nice long break inside the Joseph Smith memorial building. Can't complain--it's beautiful in there too. We were going to stop for hot chocolate, but all the fun places (minus Maverik) were already closed.
Lunch with Danny and Claire- Daniel and I were able to squeeze out of the house for a couple hours and meet up with our intern friends we met in Scotland. It was really fun to catch up with them and reminisce about the crazy summer we all shared together. I miss them. I'm pretty sure we'll keep in touch for a long time.
Decorate Sugar Cookies- Daniel and April really took charge of this event. They did everything--from mixing the dough to icing the cookies. I helped decorate. For whatever reason, the rest of clan just didn't find the true joy in this activity haha. Although, my dad did come up to the table, find the broken cookies, dip them in icing and eat them... I guess that counts. He was
technically frosting them.
Gingerbread House Competition- This years competition was intense and everybody brought their A-game. The rules were very simple:
1. Frosting and graham crackers are provided.
2. Each team is responsible for their own decor. (Pantry/fridge is fair game)
3. Build
Naturally, we all complained about having to buy our own candy haha that stuff is expensive! but that's what gives the competition an "edge". Most of us went in on the candy together and only had a few things that were "individualized" for our own unique housing purposes. Well, except for Don (Dad) & Kathy (Mom). Kath was very competitive this year and wouldn't let anybody near her candy purchases, claiming that "it was a competition!" That was until, she saw some of the things in our candy pot that she wanted and exclaimed sorrowfully, "I wish I hadn't been so competitive" when we wouldn't share with her team haha it was really fun. The whole event lasted hours.

We were all in the kitchen, there was a Christmas movie playing in the background, Edison was running around stealing candy off of each house (as pictured above...he even stole two snowmen from my "yard!"), and we were just having a grand old time. Considering that we were all in the same area, I was really surprised at how unique each house turned out and how little "copying" there was.
Mom & Dad: We called theirs the "Community Center". It was huge and very creative. A little sloppy this year and the grape vine trees with the "snow" and "Christmas lights" are getting old (Come on guys! You've used that three years in a row now--well, if you include the Ward Christmas Party haha.) BUT I will give them props on the fact that they used no structural support (cardboard) AND they used frosted mini-wheats for siding. It was really good.
Ryan & Chelsea: This was the "Gated Community." It was flawless. Each house was crisp, clean, and color coordinated. Amazing. I also loved the little Santa Gummy Bear that was on the roof of one of them--a special touch by Ryan.
Nate & April: Inspired by their eldest son, this couple made the "Holiday Train," complete with animal cages (and there were animal crackers inside the pretzel cages!) and a conductors cabin. My favorite part of this one was the track and the steam coming from the locomotive.
James & Rinda: Unfortunately, this team was unable to finish due to a fussy baby and a collapsing roof.
Jani & Jesse: "The Chapel of Love" With it's rainbow roof and its bell steeple, this church looked like one you'd see in Vegas or a very small abandoned town haha. Creative touch: A snowfall right before judging compliments of Reddi Whip!
Mandi & Daniel: "The Old-Timers" This comfy little house looks like one in which a loving couple would celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. Creative touch: Hot Coco Powder for the trail leading to the front door--Daniel's a genius.
Sarah & Alex: For their first entry in the family competition, they did a fabulous job. We liked to call theirs the "Community's Culture." After a small mishap, their lovely house turned into a Japanese Pagoda completed with a delicate touch of Disney Characters.... okay. haha
Our judge was less than a professional this year, so even though he did say that mine and Daniel's won the prize, I'll go ahead and admit that everybody was a winner (well minus Sarah and Alex.... haha as Skylar [the 17 year old neighbor who was our judge] so kindly exclaimed, "that one's not winning" while pointing to theirs haha). This tradition is a keeper. And let's just say that Daniel and I are already drafting blue prints for next seasons house.. Southern Plantation... I think so.
I don't have the Santa picture, but here are all the
grandkids in their fancy Christmas getup. |
Santa Christmas Picture- This was my parent's first Christmas with more than one grandchild. So, we decided it would be a good idea to take the four little ones (Edison, McKay, Claire, and Abigail) to meet Santa together. We went to the mall. The mall was PACKED and Santa's line was so long. Even though the little kids looked super cute in their Christmas suits and dresses, we decided it wasn't worth waiting. BUT as we were leaving, one of the workers came up to Jani, noticing that Abigail was on oxygen, and asked if we were leaving because of her. Although it wasn't specifically because of Abigail, Jani did mention that it wasn't very smart to have her exposed to so many people for such a long time, especially little kids. Holiday miracle: we got a first class ticket to the front of the line. It was very sweet of them to let us do that, totally unexpected, and not all together necessary, but wonderful none the less.
The picture turned out great. None of the kids look like they are enjoying themselves. In fact, Claire wouldn't stop touching Edison's face, Edison kept telling her to stop, and Abigail and McKay were crying, but Santa looks as jolly as ever. Merry Christmas Old Guy -- Love, the Alexander / Dix Children.
Home Alone Marathon- Another HUGE success, compliments of James and Rinda. We started the evening with Little Nero's pizza and Fuller's Pepsi Classic. We had a Home Alone trivia game, listened to the soundtrack, and "rocked" around the mini Christmas tree that was placed in the center of the room. (Edison LOVED dancing with Uncle James and it was so cute to see him try and copy the same moves, but be unable to because he hasn't figured out how to coordinate certain muscles yet haha).

We also sat in a circle and quoted our favorite lines from the movies, (Buzz: Is it true that French girls don’t shave their pits?... Cousin: Some don’t...Buzz: But they got nude beaches...Cousin: Not in the winter. --Submitted by Jesse). We loved every minute of it and laughed a lot. My dad also popped TONs of movie quality popcorn in his machine. Daniel was so sad that we only utilized that machine once during our stay.

During Home Alone 2, we paused the movie when Kevin orders ice cream sundaes from room service and went upstairs to make our own.
"Waiter: Two scoops, Sir? Kevin: Two? Make it three. I'm not drivin." It was such a fun activity.
Baby Shower- My mom and sisters threw Chelsea and me a baby shower. It was awesome. Because it was the holidays, we weren't expecting too many people to be able to make it, but to our surprise almost everybody came! I got to see my aunts, cousins, grandmother, friends, etc. and it was really sweet of them to help Daniel and I with our upcoming little lady. She will definitely be well dressed.
Night Before Christmas Gift Exchange-
I know I look similar to a beeched whale in this picture.
But please note that nobody looks good haha hence
thre reason I actually posted it. |
We also did our Christmas Eve gag gift exchange. Everybody is responsible for bringing one gift. We sit in a big circle, sing carols, and then my Dad reads "The Night Before Christmas." Every time he says the word "the" we pass the present in our hand in one direction. Which ever gift is in your hand at the end of the story, is yours. Funny note: Apparently, 3 years ago Ryan and Chelsea brought some silly straw goggles for their gag gift and my Dad got them. Well, he randomly gave them to me at some point the following year, and I used them for my gag gift this year and James got them. It was the gift that was re-gifted twice! We got a kick out of that.
Christmas Day- We woke up early, sat in a circle, and opened gifts one by one from youngest to oldest. We were probably opening gifts for over an hour and a half (that happens when there are 17 people!!)

Edison literally squealed when he first sighted the train set he received, Ryan looked confused when he opened up a pair of very feminine socks that were wrapped and tagged with the wrong name by Dad (they were supposed to go to Rinda, but Ryan still said thank-you!) and my mom cried when she opened up a little gift from Mickey. Actually, there wasn't a dry eye in the room for that gift. It was a little Christmas ornament with Mickey's picture inside and a simple note thanking her for her many years of love and service (if you zoom in on the picture with my parents and the grandkids, you can see the ornament on the tree!) It was the first time my entire family together acknowledged the death of a very important member of our family... our puppy of almost 16 years, Mickey, who passed away peacefully in his sleep back in October. Despite the tears, it was a very special moment and one that the Micksters deserved. He was our family Christmas present back in 1996 and he was truly the best puppy we could have ever ask for. I'm happy to know that each year he will be with us, especially during the Christmas season, and remembered as we place his picture on the tree. We all really loved him and miss him a lot.
This year, everybody seemed genuinely happy to give and receive. Christmas is such a magical time and I'm so happy that I got to spend it with my family. It would have been perfect if Christian would have been able to make it, but that's only something to look forward to for our next Alexander Christmas Extravaganza.
Daniel and I were only in Utah for seven days and we did a lot. I didn't even mention our Cafe Rio trip, our visits with the Tingey's (Daniel's cousins), all my play sessions with Abba-Duba, Claire, McKay, and Edison, and other random outings that filled our afternoons.
I loved every second of being home with my family.