Sunday, July 18, 2010

Long story short-er

Okay. So it didn't really start witha fried Twinkie, but its an important mile marker in our little developing relationship.

Long story short-er:
I barely survived college and developed severe anxiety along the way. Some people walked around campus with their iPod in--they loved music. I walked around with earplugs in--I hated people. That semester I was taking a health behavioral change class and needed a project. I felt like my spiritual and physical health were pretty good. My mental and emotional health were being taken care of (I got pills for that!), and that left my social health... something that I didn't really care for; however, to gain "balance," I decided that my goal would be: Go out at least once a week with a group of people and have fun. Normal college kids don't need a goal like that. I did.

One evening, while working on a stressful 15 page research paper, I got a phone call. It was a boy in my ward inviting my apartment over for fried Twinkies. I was the only one that went....BUT it wasn't just the fried twinkie I fell for :-)

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