Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More Wedding Pictures

Here are some more pictures from the wedding :-)

Bridesmaid flowers

Incredible bridesmaids
A little bit about these girls:  The two on the left are my sisters. Jani (the blonde who got married two weeks before I did) and Sarah  The other four are my best friends from either highschool or college.  Mal (with the yellow shoes) was on her OWN honeymoon and still came to celebrate my wedding with me.  Jessi flew in from Pennsylvania, Molly flew in from Arizona, and Sarah flew in from Pennsylvania also.  It was such a blast having them there with me. They made me feel so important :-)

The cake. I wanted a really simple and traditional cake. 
It ended up perfect-- a little sloppy, but it looks like a picnic basket right?

Cutting the cake.

Daddy-Daughter Dance (we did the POKA to an Irish Rover song!)

Temple / Dress Shot

My favorite picture.

Where we put our gifts.

The rings! Daniel picked my ring out all by himself. I love it.

A sign leading to the wedding, made by my fabulous grandpa.

The wedding party.

Unfortunately, my photographer wasn't as incredible as I would have hoped, but he did capture some quality shots.  And now that I'm all caught up on the wedding... I can start talking about married life.  It's pretty great.

1 comment:

  1. My pictures are only about as good as your photographer's pictures, but I'll burn them all onto a disk for you and bring them in June and leave them at Mom & Dad's. Or you can pull them off facebook.
