Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 2 : Daniel and somehow My first day of work

** Like a true Alexander, I forgot my camera today so all pictures are borrowed off the internet **

I woke up this morning with the intention of walking Daniel to his office and then heading off to the many free art museums of the city. Instead, I spent the entire day (8:30am-5pm) campaigning for the Scottish National Party (SNP).  Apparently, they don't care whether or not I am an intern and as long as I am willing to work, they'll use me. 

Arthur's seat is the hill (inactive volcano) in the back ground.
As soon as we got to the campaigning office for Kenny McAskill (?) from "head quarters" (a beautiful walk around Arthur's Seat), Tom Buchanan, the elected officer of the Economic Development Committee, showed us to his car and we spent the next 3 and a half hours handing out leaflets in rural Edinburgh.  Daniel sat in the drivers seat on accident haha he forgot that people in the UK sit on the right side to drive.  I laughed so hard. 

Despite all the walking, it was awesome.  We got to see a lot of places that we most likely wouldn't have been able to and Tom knows the city well and shared a lot of local history with us. He also kept saying "bloody ______" and then "pardon my french".... It made me laugh.  I don't know what that word is equivalent to in English...I don't know if I want to know. haha

City Council Building
The statue pictured above is famous because the artist (whose name I forget) was so upset about the proportions of this piece, that after it was finished,  he went home and committed suicide.
Tom also gave us a private tour of the city council offices on the Royal Mile.  If I remember correctly, my little Edinburgh book says, "City Council building: NOT open to the public".  Awesome. OH and JK Rowlings hand prints are in there too.

Around 12:30 we went back to the campaigning office and Kenny McAskill bought Daniel and I lunch (via a woman named Karen).  We went to a baked potato shop (genius- we've seen them all over so far) where each dish included 2 baked potatoes and a topping.  I got a mexican bean/chicken topping and Daniel got bean/sausage (which ended up being beans and hot dogs- haha) It filled us up and we had left overs.  Then we went out on the "bus"--a big van with SNP stuff all over it and music blasting-- and delivered more pamphlets until 5. 

On our way home we only stopped at a cell (mobile) phone store, grocery store, and table to eat our left over baked potatoes but still didn't get home until 7:30pm. We've been on our feet all day and are exhausted.  BUT it's actually sunny out, so we will post likely go out again tonight.

I'm learning my way around the city and Daniel quizzes me to make sure I can get home by myself. I'm a big girl.

PS. At the grocery store we bought a jar of spaghetti sauce for 18 pence and pack spaghetti noodles for 35 pence.  It should last us at least 2 meals each.  INCREDIBLE.

Oh and Mom (if you even read this... haha) I've seen so many cool old cemeteries so far. 


  1. Sooooo cool! How did Daniel feel about sharing his first day with you? I would absolutely love to go thru the old cemeteries when we get there.

    So do you think you may help out often?

    Also, so you said the apt. only had like a twin blanket? Yikes! Will you have to buy a lot of stuff for the apt.?

  2. That's awesome. What a better way to familiarize yourself with a new place than with a local! You should try to get lost one day and find out how to get home. Also, if you'll have to buy stuff, look for boot sales - the equivalent of garage sales here. All cheap and insanely cool.

    And have I mentioned how jealous I am? Oh, I did? Well, for the record, I'm incredibly jealous.
