Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tuesday 5/3/2011

Sorry for the delay in my recap of Tuesday.  Daniel and I were invited to a ceilidh (traditional Scottish dance) and we didn't get home until after 11:30pm. We were tired and we had to be at headquarters the next morning by 7am plus it's a good 30 min walk from our house, so when I got home I went straight to bed.

BUT starting at the beginning....

First we did yoga.  :-)

Then we had our typical campaigning day--leaf letting.  It was pretty disappointing though because we drove all the way to Glasgow (about an hour drive) to meet Alex Salmond (running to be re-elected as 1st minister) and he ended up cancelling his trip.  We spent our entire morning climbing 5+ story flats to hand out leaflets and then we handed balloons to kids in parks.

Funny story about this one.  Daniel asked the young boy in the background if he wanted a balloon and the boy looked at Daniel all flustered and said, "I can't.  I'm kinda in the middle of a war here."  Its a lot funnier when you use the accent and picture how shocked Daniel looked at the kids reason for rejection. haha I enjoyed it.

So when we were at the dance I was going through my pictures and came across this one. haha I laughed so hard. One of the gentlemen we are working with (Paul) took our camera and snapped this on the way home from Glasgow.  It proves that we are working hard!
As for the dance, it was awesome.  It started at 8:20pm and went until 11:00.  They had a traditional band with a caller and quite a few of the men there were wearing kilts.  There was a bar and the water was free, so we made use of that.  Daniel and I were sweating a ton (as you will see by how red my face is in the pictures below) and we had a blast.  They taught you the dances before they started the music and then you picked up what you missed as the dance went on.  It was a lot like square dancing but a lot cooler--you did a "Scottish jig" a lot (which pretty much what you picture leprechauns doing) and there were small, but significant cultural dances as well. 

We will definitly be going again.

Daniel doing the waltz with one of Jame's friends (the man who invited us)

That's James in the background bringing us waters

I stole this from the Facebook page. It's the only picture of Daniel and me dancing together. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I want more pictures from dances and evenings like these. Okay, I love them all, but these look completely and utterly amazing.

    Miss you guys. Jealous like crazy.

